Eating Habits that Pack on the Belly Fat

Can you sneak in a Smoothie Diet to correct your eating habits?

The daily hectic pace of life makes the healthiest eaters fall into eating habits that doesn’t help with your weight loss program. A dinner eaten in front of the TV, a lunch gulped down on the way to an appointment, a snack attack that sneaks upon us. As long as such boring• eating experiences are not the norm, they’re probably no cause for worry. But what about when the irregular “whoops! ” becomes part of a more persistent pattern?
Over time, such habits could turn into unconscious ways of interacting with food so automatic, and so discreetly destructive, we don’t fully recognize the damage they’re doing to our bodies and minds or just how habitual they’ve become.
The first step in stopping such tendencies is identifying where problem-eating habits may have taken root in our own lives.

Habit # 1


Snarfing Food

Wellness Toll: Bolting your food robs you of the full satisfaction of eating, leading you to eat more than you otherwise would. Eating too fast also inhibits proper digestion. Do anything quickly and you induce the body’s stress reaction As a result, breath becomes shallow, blood is channeled to the arms and legs, and digestion shuts down.

Habit # 2

Secret Snacking

If you hide chocolate and potato chips in the utility closet or keep a candy bar in your nightstand, it’s a sign you have mixed feelings about your own snacking tendencies. Sneaking food signifies that the food and/or the appetite for that food is “bad “. “When you label things bad, you will do them in secret.
Wellness Toll: Secretive eating nourishes the shame spiral that preserve poor eating habits. This eating habit can create stress, which means the release of fewer endorphins, the pleasure chemicals that promote digestion. Endorphins help absorb nutrients and, finally, burn calories.

Habit #3

Starving and Stuffing

Tuning out the body’s hunger signals during the day produces an energy and nutrition deficit that can set you up for uncontrolled eating later.
Wellness Toll: When the body is deprived of food for more than a few hrs, blood-sugar levels sinks. A voracious appetite for quick-energy foods (carbs) would be triggered.
A 2007 study published in the well known International Journal of Obesity found a strong correlation between late night eating and weight gain. And that makes sense, because eating in the middle of the night – when your circadian rhythm has your body in “sleep mode”- makes it harder to process food correctly.

Habit #4

Stress Eating

Ever made it through a stressful situation only to be gripped with a sudden compulsion to eat? Those cravings probably come because of cortisol, a hormone freed into the blood when the body faces a real or perceived threat. Raised cortisol levels arouse the appetite, especially sugar and Fat cravings.
Wellness Toll: Like an air traffic controller, cortisol signals where energy is delivered inside the body. And studies show that cortisol prefers to divert extra calories into deep abdominal fat (visceral fat),
·which is more negative to health than the superficial flab in, say, love handles.
Stress also lowers your gut’s acidity and, consequently, its ability to absorb key nutrients.


Habit # 5

Mindless Munching

Mindless eating appears to be most noticeable after the fact: You sit down on the sofa with a full bag of chips, and before you know it, the bag is empty. Or you sit down at your desk with a sandwich, check your email, and suddenly there’s nothing but crumbs.
Being in a hyper-stimulating environment leads to mindless eating!
Wellness Toll: A 2006 study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that people’s caloric intake can go up by up to 7l% when they eat in front TV. Eating while watching TV is a problem for two reasons: “First, you don’t pay attention to whether you’ve had 5 or 30 potato chips. Secondly, you often won’t stop eating until the end of the show, no matter of whether you’re full or not. ” Another problem: Such eating habits can become mutually reinforcing it becomes hard to watch TV and not eat.

How to Break Free from Bad eating Habits:


  • Assign a couple of days during the month to do some cleaning and correction for your eating habits. Try a Smoothie Diet or find some Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss.
  • Take 10 slow, deep breaths before every meal to flip on the body’s relaxation
  • If you normally eat breakfast in five minutes, for example, take 15
  • Notice which foods you stash or squirrel away. Note what sparks the desire for that food
  • Redirect your inner rebel. Sneaking “forbidden” foods can be a thrill
  • When you finish one meal, plan the next
  • Plan a preventive war against the post-work binge
  • Cut yourself some slack. You are only fueling negative feelings if you beating yourself up after a stress-induced splurge.
  • When you eat, just eat. If you’re going to have a meal or snack, eat it before you sit down to do anything else. No multi-tasking here
  • Never eat out of the package. Puting food in a plate increases your awareness of portion size

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